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Bids in American Historical Ephemera & Photography Online

Timed Auction

American Historical Ephemera & Photography Online

[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. WARD, Samuel Jr. (1756-1832). ALS ("SW Jr."). "Ward Hall" [RI], June 1773.
Lot 601
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. WARD, Samuel Jr. (1756-1832). ALS ("SW Jr."). "Ward Hall" [RI], June 1773.
Estimate: $150-$250
Sold $125
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. SYLVANUS URBAN, pseud. The Gentleman's Magazine. London: David Henry, Jan. 1776
Lot 602
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. SYLVANUS URBAN, pseud. The Gentleman's Magazine. London: David Henry, Jan. 1776
Estimate: $300-$400
Sold $150
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. ARNOLD, Thomas (1740-1821). ALS. 5 October 1782. Addressed to Robert Barnett.
Lot 603
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. ARNOLD, Thomas (1740-1821). ALS. 5 October 1782. Addressed to Robert Barnett.
Estimate: $200-$300
Sold $500
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. 3 documents, incl. signatures from Jonathan ARNOLD and Jeremiah OLNEY.
Lot 604
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. 3 documents, incl. signatures from Jonathan ARNOLD and Jeremiah OLNEY.
Estimate: $200-$300
Sold $100
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. 11 documents and signatures associated with Revolutionary War-era figures.
Lot 605
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. 11 documents and signatures associated with Revolutionary War-era figures.
Estimate: $400-$600
Sold $325
[SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI]. DS by officers of the Rhode Island chapter. Providence, 7 September 1790.
Lot 606
[SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI]. DS by officers of the Rhode Island chapter. Providence, 7 September 1790.
Estimate: $250-$500
Sold $275
KNOX, Henry (1750-1806). Letter signed ("H Knox") as Secretary of War, to Gov. Thomas Mifflin.
Lot 607
KNOX, Henry (1750-1806). Letter signed ("H Knox") as Secretary of War, to Gov. Thomas Mifflin.
Estimate: $400-$600
Sold $700
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. A group of 10 works.
Lot 608
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. A group of 10 works.
Estimate: $300-$500
Sold $250
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR & COLONIAL AMERICA]. 6 works involving Founding Fathers & early American
Lot 609
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR & COLONIAL AMERICA]. 6 works involving Founding Fathers & early American
Estimate: $200-$400
Sold $150
[NAVY]. SMITH, Robert (1757-1842). Letter signed ("Rt. Smith"). Navy Department, 26 March 1805.
Lot 610
[NAVY]. SMITH, Robert (1757-1842). Letter signed ("Rt. Smith"). Navy Department, 26 March 1805.
Estimate: $250-$350
Sold $125
DALRYMPLE, Ezekiel. ALS describing the death of his brother William. Montreal, 24 February 1812.
Lot 611
DALRYMPLE, Ezekiel. ALS describing the death of his brother William. Montreal, 24 February 1812.
Estimate: $200-$300
[WAR OF 1812]. WALKER, John C. ALS ("Jno. Co Walker"). Union Village, 29 August 1814.
Lot 612
[WAR OF 1812]. WALKER, John C. ALS ("Jno. Co Walker"). Union Village, 29 August 1814.
Estimate: $200-$400
[WAR OF 1812]. WOLFE, John D. Battalion orders signed ("John D. Wolfe"). New York, 5 December 1814.
Lot 613
[WAR OF 1812]. WOLFE, John D. Battalion orders signed ("John D. Wolfe"). New York, 5 December 1814.
Estimate: $150-$300
Sold $75
[PIRATES]. 3 page ALS describing botched pirate execution. Boston, 16 April 1819.
Lot 614
[PIRATES]. 3 page ALS describing botched pirate execution. Boston, 16 April 1819.
Estimate: $200-$300
Sold $400
[CIVIL WAR]. WOOL, John E. (1784-1869). ALS ("John E. Wool"). Washington, 15 February 1827.
Lot 615
[CIVIL WAR]. WOOL, John E. (1784-1869). ALS ("John E. Wool"). Washington, 15 February 1827.
Estimate: $200-$300
Sold $100
[AROOSTOOK WAR]. ALS describing Canadians threatening to burn towns. Buffalo, NY, 1838.
Lot 616
[AROOSTOOK WAR]. ALS describing Canadians threatening to burn towns. Buffalo, NY, 1838.
Estimate: $200-$300
Sold $100
[AROOSTOOK WAR]. ALS written from Augusta, ME, February 1839. [With:] Additional ALS.
Lot 617
[AROOSTOOK WAR]. ALS written from Augusta, ME, February 1839. [With:] Additional ALS.
Estimate: $200-$300
[MILITARIA]. Letter written from Fort Wayne discussing loss of an officer. Arkansas, 5 Dec. 1839.
Lot 618
[MILITARIA]. Letter written from Fort Wayne discussing loss of an officer. Arkansas, 5 Dec. 1839.
Estimate: $250-$350
[CIVIL WAR]. Register of the Officers & Cadets of the U.S. Military Academy. 1857. With notation
Lot 620
[CIVIL WAR]. Register of the Officers & Cadets of the U.S. Military Academy. 1857. With notation
Estimate: $200-$300
Sold $100
[CIVIL WAR]. Ninth plate tintype portrait of a doubly armed federal soldier.
Lot 621
[CIVIL WAR]. Ninth plate tintype portrait of a doubly armed federal soldier.
Estimate: $300-$500
Sold $425
[CIVIL WAR]. A pair of ninth plate tintype portraits of doubly armed federal soldiers.
Lot 622
[CIVIL WAR]. A pair of ninth plate tintype portraits of doubly armed federal soldiers.
Estimate: $300-$500
Sold $275
[CIVIL WAR]. A group of 5 ambrotypes and tintypes featuring federal soldiers, most Civil War-era.
Lot 623
[CIVIL WAR]. A group of 5 ambrotypes and tintypes featuring federal soldiers, most Civil War-era.
Estimate: $300-$500
Sold $400
[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. 3 cased images featuring subjects with cigars, including Civil War recruits.
Lot 624
[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. 3 cased images featuring subjects with cigars, including Civil War recruits.
Estimate: $200-$400
Sold $175
[CIVIL WAR]. BRADY, Mathew, photographer. Gen'l Barry and Staff, Near Richmond, June 1862.
Lot 625
[CIVIL WAR]. BRADY, Mathew, photographer. Gen'l Barry and Staff, Near Richmond, June 1862.
Estimate: $250-$350
Sold $275
[CIVIL WAR]. BRADY, Mathew, photog. CDV of officers, incl. USMC Paymaster Major Wm. RUSSELL.
Lot 626
[CIVIL WAR]. BRADY, Mathew, photog. CDV of officers, incl. USMC Paymaster Major Wm. RUSSELL.
Estimate: $250-$350
Sold $225
[CIVIL WAR]. CDV outdoor camp portrait of an unidentified unit. N.p., ca 1860s.
Lot 627
[CIVIL WAR]. CDV outdoor camp portrait of an unidentified unit. N.p., ca 1860s.
Estimate: $300-$500
Sold $200
[CIVIL WAR]. CDV & Regulations of the US Military Academy at West Point ID'd to Gen. G.W. Morell
Lot 628
[CIVIL WAR]. CDV & Regulations of the US Military Academy at West Point ID'd to Gen. G.W. Morell
Estimate: $200-$300
Sold $100
[CIVIL WAR]. 2 CDVs of Union generals, Michael CORCORAN & Julius H. STAHEL.
Lot 629
[CIVIL WAR]. 2 CDVs of Union generals, Michael CORCORAN & Julius H. STAHEL.
Estimate: $200-$300
Sold $200
[CIVIL WAR-NAVY]. CDV of Admiral Andrew Hull Foote. New York: C.D. Fredricks & Co.
Lot 630
[CIVIL WAR-NAVY]. CDV of Admiral Andrew Hull Foote. New York: C.D. Fredricks & Co.
Estimate: $100-$200
Sold $100
[CIVIL WAR]. 9 images, incl. CDVs of Union generals, many from the Army of the Potomac.
Lot 631
[CIVIL WAR]. 9 images, incl. CDVs of Union generals, many from the Army of the Potomac.
Estimate: $300-$400
Sold $225
[CIVIL WAR]. 10 CDVs of Union and Confederate generals, many from the Western Theater.
Lot 632
[CIVIL WAR]. 10 CDVs of Union and Confederate generals, many from the Western Theater.
Estimate: $400-$600
Sold $275
[CIVIL WAR]. Approx. 50 CDVs of Civil War generals and political figures.
Lot 633
[CIVIL WAR]. Approx. 50 CDVs of Civil War generals and political figures.
Estimate: $400-$600
Sold $950
[CIVIL WAR]. 9 CDVs of Union generals and political figures, incl. U.S. GRANT and John BROWN.
Lot 634
[CIVIL WAR]. 9 CDVs of Union generals and political figures, incl. U.S. GRANT and John BROWN.
Estimate: $200-$300
Sold $200
[CIVIL WAR]. 19 lithographed CDVs of Civil War generals and political personalities.
Lot 635
[CIVIL WAR]. 19 lithographed CDVs of Civil War generals and political personalities.
Estimate: $150-$300
Sold $125
[CIVIL WAR]. CDV portrait of an unidentified soldier holding a horn. N.p., n.d.
Lot 636
[CIVIL WAR]. CDV portrait of an unidentified soldier holding a horn. N.p., n.d.
Estimate: $200-$400
Sold $175
[CIVIL WAR]. BRADY, Mathew, photographer. 2 CDVs of military activity in Virginia.
Lot 637
[CIVIL WAR]. BRADY, Mathew, photographer. 2 CDVs of military activity in Virginia.
Estimate: $300-$400
Sold $350
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