Three Chinese Jade Carvings
Estimate: $2,000-$3,000
Live Auction
Asian Works of Art
Length of longest 2 3/8 in., 6 cm.
Three Chinese Jade Carvings
Qing Dynasty (1644-1912)
清 白玉帶扣、佛手及黃玉扳指一組三件
comprising a russet and celadon jade archer's ring, a white jade carving of a Buddha's hand citron, and a white jade mounted gilt bronze belt buckle.
Length of longest 2 3/8 in., 6 cm.
Property from the Collection of Matt Goldstein, Chicago, IL. 伊利諾伊州芝加哥市Matt Goldstein先生藏。
Each in overall good stable condition. Interior diameter of the archer's ring 2.2 cm.Additional photos are updated prior to the sale via this link (asian.smugmug.com/Sale-1222). Please contact us to request a complete condition report.
We advise all buyers to carefully examine the condition of the lots before the auction and be responsible for their bids. The absence of any reference to the condition of a lot does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free from wear and tear, imperfections, or the effects of aging. Please note that measurements and opinions are given as a courtesy and are approximated. Bidders must review and agree to the Conditions of Sale before participating in an auction. Please contact the department at asian@hindmanauctions.com for any additional information or questions you may have regarding this lot.
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